Thursday 1 December 2011

joe's interview

Wednesday 25 May 2011

my tribute to randy savage

was that suppose to be a tribute?

hey guyz do u know wht? i was watching monday night raw last night in which they were suppose to give a tribute to savage there was no video at the start of the show the video appeared when the show was about to close they were trying to dedicate tht show to savage but is this the way u dedicate the show to some one no wrestler had a black tape on his arm there were no ten bells with the wrestlers of both the brands standing and giving tribute there were no interviews of the wrestlers who worked with savage and there were no interviews and thoughts of the young guns telling tht how savage inspired them the video was ok and i can bet u tht i can make a bettr tribute video then this dont do a formality do it with full heart passion and dedication  savage was a gr8 legend and a passionate competetor of his time and the company owes him alot for the revenue he generated for the company and the popularity he grew for the company he was a unique one of a kind and a very very famous wrestler of his time i think tht they forgot how they gave tribute to eddie and owen hart its nothing but a shame i dnt know tht were they giving tribute to randy or making fun of him infact if tht show was dedicated to randy thn all the matches shouldve been dedicated to him all the wrestlers were supposedly dressed up like him and hitting his signature manuver including the flying elbow hey randy ill miss u alwayz ill remeber the shows which u gave me all the time the space which is produced aftr ur passing will remain vacant for ever rip savage i love u oooooo yeahhhhh.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

christian vs randy ortan again

hey peeps congrats its christian vs randy orton again when christian lost his title to ortan i thought wht a piece of crap it is a person wins his title aftr 17 yrs of strugle in the business aftr struggling in the compani for mani yrs whn he wins his title he just lose it aftr two to three is this a justice i thought ok unpredictable elements should be the part of the business but those unpredictable elements should not look stupid but the way uncle vini(vince mcmahon) maintained tht feud and on the othr hand built tht feud is gr8 first of all orton and christian they both r faces and its veri veri rare to witness usualli itz alwayz a heel vs a face and fans r totalli fed up of it. for instance at wrestlemania 6 v saw too faces squaring of against each othr for the championship warrior vs hogan ppl enjoy tht so much and the feuds b/w bigevil(undertaker) and batista shawn michaels and cena again two face squaring of against each other all im trying to say is tht ppl r ppl some times they r fed up of cheering one and bowing other cuz one is ace and one is heel sometimes ppl want to cheer both the competetors now consider an other thing why christian vs orton is a good feud in addition of both being faces both r incredible in ring performers they can creat something out of nothing u can rely on both to creat an hell of a feud they can even convert a boring stori line into reality and the third thing which makes this feud even more intersting is christian yup christian look u guyz must b fed up of seeing few big name in the big leagues for instance cena,orton,edge,hhh,undertaker christian is not a big league guy he's a talented vetran who's got a lot of experience persona and style which is the requirement of ani big superstar he can give u an hell of a show everi night yup orton is a big league guy although he's junior to christian and christian has been given a push aftr so mani yrs most of the ppl may not no tht dave batista is a veri veri big fan of christian in his wwe dayz he alwayz supported christian and in an interview he criticized the company for not giving christian a push. the fourth thing which makes this feud even more delicious is itz not a big league player vs big league player itz not orton vs cena itz not orton vs edge itz not orton vs jericho itz not orton vs taker itz not orton vs hhh itz a feud b/w a big league player and an under rated vetran whose given a sudden and well deserved push in short itz new for the folks i think tht its good for smackdown and good for company tht this feud goes a long long way ive mi eyes set on tht one.

answer to all questions
you guyz must be wondering tht y savage is not in the hall of fame y he's not inducted into the thing in which he  shouldve been inducted long long ago when he was alive there r mani speculations regarding tht but now i think v just might have got the answer 80's legend george the animal steele gives u the exact reason tht y savage is not in the hall of fame letz have a look follow the link above. 

Monday 23 May 2011

diamond dallas page and the ultimate warrior remember's randy savage
hey guyz these ppl r the ppl whove worked with randy and they have a treasure of memories with him and now these two guyz r sharing their memories with poffo u should not miss tht cuz we all owe our lifes to randy we all grown up watching him he gave us a show tht no one else could give just click the link. 

Saturday 21 May 2011

jeff jarret's take on savage's death

flair's take on savage's death
hey guyz in mi recent post i made u aware wht hulk hogan used to say abt savage now its another legend the nature boy ric flaire just watch wht he says click the link. 

10 yrs of no communication
well guyz here is hulk hogan telling fans how he didnt communicate with savage for ten years and how much he regrets it he's sharing a lot of good memories with savage on this page must view it its a life time experience here u find wht hogan has to say abt randal's death and how he feels now abt whn savage is no more here just  click the link and witness all those beautiful memories by ur self love ya. 

Friday 20 May 2011

hitman's take on randal's death

with heavy heart ooooooooo nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

well guyz i didnt know tht one day ill b telling u tht newz which is not onli the most painful and baddest newz for the wrestling world but its a newz which gives me a grief of a life time one of mi favourite superstar of all times the person who introduced his own style and enigma in the industry the person who created the industry in mani wayz yup guyz its none other thn randal mario puffo "macho man" randy savage he's no more with us today he was driving a jeep with his beloved wife during the drive he suffered heart attack and he lost control of the vehicle the jeep hit the tree and his head hit the tree as well and he died right away thank GOD miss macho man lyn savage survived with minor injuries i dont no wht to say i grown up watching him he is mi hero an icon who will never b forgotten a legend who ill never b ignored his contribution can and will never b sidelined today whn im sharing mi painful thoughts with u i remember the wows of 'OOOOOO YEAHHHHHHH" all over a great human being an incredible athlete a person of heart i remember his matches with hogan warrior and other gr8 legends whether its his signature manovers or his finishing elbow all were awesome i have teleported mi self in the late 80's and earli 90's to watch tht legend rule his way twards the success i know as shocking as itz to me u guyz also feel the pain mi all prayers r with his oving full of life soul he gave me a show tht no one else has ever delivered he ill b in mi thoughts and praises till the end of mi life today i feel tht some one has stolen mi heart and soul frm me its not onli a huge loss for me for us but for the whole wrestling world mi condolences r with his wife and his famili and his fans and his near nad dear ones hey is there ani one i can dare u how big u are how powerful u r how talented u r jst hit the arena and perform as he performed and steal the show and thn say OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

crimson(the kid is for real)

ive been following this kid for a long long time first i thought tht he ill b sidelined like ani other guy frm next door but soon i came to realize tht he is being give a push in tna for instance his undefeated streak first tna gave tht kind of a push to samoa joe now tna is giving tht push to him i dnt think tht his undefeated streak is gonna come to an end tht soon before his career started in tna he played few dark matches in tna and he lost some of them but it doesnt count he's still undefeated recently he defeated abyss at sacrifice it means tht now even some big names may fail to end his streak he's given a push and he's on a role will he be able to creat as good impact as goldberg created stay tuned ive got mi eyes set on tht kid and i realli see another goldberg in him i know tht it ill b so soon to say a thing abt him but lets watch and learn.

Friday 6 May 2011

bret hart wrestling with shadows
hey peeps be prepaired to be a part of the greatest documeantary film in the history of wrestling by witnessing this life time experience yup im not just claiming it it is the best thing uve ever seen in wrestling history "bret har t wrestling with shadows" reflects hitman's life in wwe till him joining wcw and his experiences with different people and creatives businessmen in this documentary hart relationship with his family and vince mcmahon has been potrayed with a great class u must watch it to beleive it this movie also shows how bret went to wcw and how hw became a star in wwe and specialli the greatest screw job in the history of wrestling montreal screw job this screw job was filmed with an incredible and adorable gesture and the thing which is worth to watch is relationship of bret with vince must must and must watch im again saying tht its the greatest documentary in this world and mi favourite so watch it lolz. 

haha realli realli funny must watch

encounter b/w brock lesnar and big evil
well in mi recent post brock was talking about the encounter with bigevil after an mma fight well guyz tht the encounter he was talking abt must watch click the link. 

lesnar speaks out
well u guyz must have remebered the recent encounter b/w brock and big evil(undertaker) after the ufc fight when bigevil exchange some words with brock we all didnt understand wht did it mean but the watch brock speaks out just watch him telling about his recent activities work experience and personal life by clicking the link. 

Wednesday 4 May 2011

oooo my GOD chyna is back
folks i totally beleive its realy realy unbeleiveable tht my chyna our chyna is back ooo GOD kurt is full of surprises he surprised us again after a long long time a gr8 newz has occured something new is here to see oo mi GOD i still cant beleive it and i know ur as much happy as im am kurt GOD bless u u brought chyna to tna  its realli gr8 im realli excited to see her again in the ring i hope tht she is not a shell of her former self cuz i dont expect the least folks ive much to talk about but i dont wanna bore u with mi expressive nature just follow the link and enjoy love you all and at last yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss love u chyna.

Friday 29 April 2011

life and death of owen hart
hey guyz do u remember owen hart the younger brother of the wwe hall of famer bret the hitman hart well i know u do he lost his life in a tragic accident and i want u to follow tht link to watch his life tht he lived and to view his death tht he met im not saying tht uill like it cuz thr is nothing to like abt some one lost his life but thr r certain things tht wrestling fans need to know and realize just keep tht person in ur memories love him and respect him cuz v all love wrestling and these r the guyz who built wrestling love ya all. 

Monday 25 April 2011
well few months ago mi superstar was frustrated and furious and angry about the fact tht wwe inducted abdullah the butcher into the hall of fame superstar even called abdullah "blood thirsty animal" although i love superstar and he's mi third favourite wrestler(other two being bret hart and big evil) but i have to show the otherside of the story as well superstar also told the fans how abdullah nearly killed a fellow wrestler during a match well lets find out wht abdullah has to say. 

Thursday 21 April 2011

classic match
hey champs must watch mi superstar squares off against the damn best of his tenure none other then bruno samartino now a dayz u cannot see tht kind of a match now a dayz there is onli entertainment in the name of wrestling if u want to see real and damn real wrestling thn follow the damn link travel in 70's and watch two greatest legends in the history of the game squaring off against each other. 

Wednesday 20 April 2011

the legend's return
ooo mine ooo mine just few of u know tht the ultimate warrior did make a comeback in the ring for some mediocore wrestling promotion known as nwe in 2008 against orlando jordan at that time he was 49 yrs old i know tht mani of u r excited to c tht ok follow the damn link. 

Monday 18 April 2011

mi superstar is on fire
hahaha ooo mine ooo mine ooo mine superstar is still a gr8 poet u guyz must watch it how he crushed and fired chris jericho and itz justified no one absoluteli no one and i mean no one call superstar a hasbeen with out those hasbeens there wouldn't have any wrestling just mind it folks there wouldn't have been any hulk hogan there wouldn't have been ani john cena there wouldn't have been ani randi ortan there wouldn't have been ani rock if it wasnt for tht gua "the superstar billy graham" and y this is must a watch cuz superstar haqs recited gr8 poetry as he used to do 30 yrs ago well i for got to tell ya tht im little bit poet mi self so listen up ur a superior by far cuz ur a superstar go a head and hit chris with an hockey cuz he's so cocky the man has no guts and he's driving u nuts ppl say u love bites cuz u defeated bruno samartino by hooking his tights dont make a mistake i know its a clean win aftr all in life u did no sin u say tht marlyn monroe sits on ur chest acc to me u rock in east and u rule in west i cant appreciate u in tht lack of time but u stole our hearts cuz u r the king of crime hahaha love ya "superstar" 

superstar exposing ABDULLAH the butcher ooo mine ooo mine i just got threatend when i heard tht story frm the man of hour the man with power too sweet to be the sour superstar billi graham ooo how could a human being tht crazy how can u nearli take some one's life in the name of business thts not wrestling thts just a cripy stunt.

origin of gold berg
many of u must have wondered that how he was created how he was billed he was the most dominating force in the history of professional wrestling just follow the link and find out how he occured. 

Sunday 17 April 2011

the rise and fall of wcw
dont tell me that you forgot wcw well ive never forgotten the way that company rose one time and the way it competed with wwe(tht tme wwf) well who can forget the guys like goldberg sting lexluger ddp and booker t most importantly the whole nwo the most powerful group in the history of wrestling well when i remember these dayz i get upset that wcw is not around but as far as im concerned this company ill b in mi memories and as for u guyz just follow tht link to find out how that company ended. 

Saturday 16 April 2011

my favourite theme song

giant gonzalez in his home town
well brothers and sisters this is a small video in which v can c where this giant spent his last period of life. 

why i do remember giant gonzalez
he was the tallest giant in the history of wwe its an other thing that only few of you know he was unique he craeted a legecy of his own if u follow this link uill find a reason for ur self to remember him rip giant gonzalez. 

death of the giant ignored by wwe  january 31 1966-sep 22 2010
the giant died well first it was bam bam biglow then it was omega now giant gonzalez whose death was ignored by wwe may not be a big name in wwe but he has been associated with the company he has been involved in many important matches and when he died  the company didnt give a damn when he was alive he was not in a very good condition whether its health or its money but the company(wwe) never bothered is wwe only concerned for the athletes who are the big names in the company and who are associated in the company thats how it goes they didnt even tell the fans about gonzalez death in the raw or smackdown episode the company should realize that whether for short period or long period when the athlete was with the company he contributed in the success of the company by becoming the part of the company if they r gonna ignore their past superstar then one day ppl r gonna ignore the company cuz history repeats it self.